"I believe that every human being has a right to full knowledge of their origin, their family history, cultural heritage, medical information, and genetic makeup. In that regard, I support all efforts around the country to overturn secrecy laws in states that prevent adult adoptees from accessing their original birth certificates, and I will help adoptees and birth families, free of charge, to search for and reunite with family." -Priscilla Sharp
This is the first meeting with my daughter (on the left), who was placed for adoption at birth, after our reunion in August 1986. On the right is my raised daughter, and the baby is my granddaughter who became a mother herself in 2009, making me a great-grandmother!
A Selection of Accomplishments Over 15 Years
IDing violent "cold case" offenders
Jul 2020 - I am pleased to announce that I worked closely with Det. Steve Bosak developing the family trees that led to this man’s identification and arrest. It took us nearly two years and only two or three “rabbit holes” (the suspect’s known great-grandparents had over 20 great-grandsons).
Port Matilda man charged in connection with serial rapes of Penn State students, police say
Priscilla has been a part of the Adoptee Rights to access original birth certificates for several years, working with the groups in several states which were successful in restoring rights to adult adoptees to their original birth certificates, and the movement in New Jersey that succeeded in getting the "Birthright" bill passed by the Assembly and which was finally signed into law NJ governor, Chris Christie, in May 2014. Hallelujah! Finally!
Nov 2019
Congratulations, New York Adoptees!
Governor Cuomo Signs Legislation Allowing Adoptees to Receive a Certified Birth Certificate at Age 18
Apr 2019
DNA search angels: the Facebook 'detectives' who help reunite families
Oscar Schwartz
The Guardian
Oct 2018 - Proud to be with Rep. Kerry Benninghoff, Governor Tom Wolf, Amy Noel (Rep. Benninghoff's office), my husband, Bill Sharp, and other Adoptee Rights advocates for the repeat signing of HB162 (Adoptee Rights Bill) into law, restoring access to Pennsylvania-born adoptees for their Original Birth Certificates.
This culminates nine years of working with Rep Benninghoff, from the day in June 2009 when Bill and I first met with him to ask for his support and guidance, to 2016 when the bill was finally passed by the legislature, to Oct 2018 for the mock signing.
Mar 2018 - So happy to help Terry Difazio find his mother!
Article by Robin Smith, Calendonian (VT) Record, 1 Mar 2018 Link
Jan 2018 - Congratulations to PA-born adoptees and lineal descendants of deceased adoptees who are now receiving their OBCs! Special thanks to PA State Representative Kerry Benninghoff for leading the charge and persisting for nine years to the successful conclusion.
Video of celebration press conference - January 22, 2018, Harrisburg
Philadelphia Inquirer article, 23 Jan 2018
Congratulations, PA-born adoptees! You are now eligible to apply for your OBCs. Here is the direct link to the PA Department of Health, Vital Records
PA Department of Health
Nov 2016 -- Adoptee Rights Victory in Pennsylvania as Governor Tom Wolf signed HB162 into law! Beginning in November 2017, adopted persons born in PA will have access to their original birth certificates. A big THANK YOU to Rep. Kerry Benninghoff for being our champion and sponsor.
19 Jul 2015 - Centre Daily Times (State College, PA)
- "Advocate helps adoptees learn about their history"
Advocate helps adoptees
May 2015 - Interview on Carson In the Morning, KCMO Talk Radio
Adoption Journey - Begins at 8:03
Apr 2015 - I was thrilled to be able to help 84-year-old adoptee Bob Weiss decipher his DNA matches to find his maternal family.
At Long Last, a Family Tree For Eugene (OR) Adoptee
Jul 2014
Priscilla guest speaker on Walk Your Talk With LeAnne and "Search Angel" Priscilla Stone Sharp
Sep 2013
Footage of Adoptee Rights Rally, Brooklyn, September 29, 2013
Jul 2012 - Rhode Island
Celebrating with friends in RI on Jul 2 after the ceremony restoring original birth certificates to adoptees. Way to go, RI!
One of the RI adoptees whose family we found July 2012. Another adoptee free from the oppression of secrets and lies!
Adoptee Rights Demonstrations
Priscilla is a huge supporter of the Adoptee Rights demonstrations that take place each year at the National Convention of State Legislators.
Pris with two mother activists, Sandy and Robin, at the 2011 demonstration in San Antonio |
Feedback from Some of Priscilla's 2,000+ Reunions
"Your help was invaluable to my search. My birthmother and I have had our reunion, it was amazing. She is an extraordinary person and I am honored to know her and have her in my life now. Making plans to meet siblings and the rest of an extended family soon. Thanks are inadequate for what you helped me accomplish. Be blessed in your future work." --Debra D.
"Priscilla Sharp put all of my concerns about sharing my personal story with a "search angel" to rest. Priscilla has been one of my primary supports throughout my search for my birth family. Not only has she provided practical support with useful suggestions and data that have moved my search forward significantly, she has provided emotional support, understanding, and the willingness to listen. Priscilla is a consistent source of strength and hope for me which are greatly needed throughout this process."
"Priscilla Sharp is never more than 2 rings away from the phone and 2 minutes from a response with an email. She is readily available to listen, support, advise and empathize with all of the many ups and downs of the entire searching process. For me personally, after I located my b/m's birth certificate, from that Priscilla found her parents’ obituaries and from there, found my b/m. She assisted me in making that terrifying first call and the countless other attempts at communication. I feel like I can contact her anytime with anything and will always get a helpful, loving, and caring response. Priscilla, I would be nowhere, if it wasn't for you. You are in every sense of the word, "a search angel." Thank you." --Linda L.
"I just wanted to say thank you! Being able to read a little about my family and see photos of my mom and dad has given me a freedom I have never had. This is one of the most special gifts I have received … I will cherish the info you have tracked down and forwarded to me." --Kate F.
Dear Priscilla, I wanted to send my thanks to you for helping Susan P— for finding her birth mother. Not only did she find a birthmother but two brothers and a sister. I am that sister. I just returned from a 1600 mile drive round trip to meet her for the first time. This is the sister I have known about for 30-some years. I had spent hours, days and weeks searching. I was obsessed to find her and only found brick walls I could not get past. I finally had to give up my search. What a surprise that she had found us and so easily with your help. You truly are an angel and given our family such a special gift. Thank you so much for all you do. --From a newly found sister, Jackie
“I wanted to follow up with you to let you know about the happy outcome
of your search efforts on my behalf.
“I contacted Jean who actually turns out to be my aunt. She was truly warm & welcoming. We have spoken several times and plan to meet. She put me in touch with her sister Patricia, who is my mother. We had a very good, long phone conversation. She welcomed me into her life & told all other family members about me. She actually lives only 1-1/2 hour away so we are planning to meet soon. I also learned that I have a 1/2 sister who has always known about me. I just can't wait to meet her as well. I also have several cousins & we have been in touch through Facebook. They have all been happy I turned up & absolutely welcoming. I felt connected with each one of them right away. I couldn't have wished for a better reuniting.
“There are simply no words to express the gratitude I feel for what you did for me. Not only have you given me my family back, you've given me a piece of myself that was always missing. I'll just say thank you from the bottom of my heart.” -From "Anne", 9/21/2011
I tried searching for my mother on and off since 1986, yet I really didn't have enough resources. A few years later, with advent of Internet, I tried looking again, with no luck. Not until recently, October 2011 did I get back onboard with searching. I googled NYC detectives, and of all things that comes up is detectives spying on men who could possibly be cheating on their wives...so then I added to my search "NYC detectives/birthparent searching." I always scroll down and read yahoo reviews and this reviewer wrote under one of the names of adoption searching detectives (who charge big bucks, by the way, another deterrent for me to search since I thought dumping thousands of dollars into searching with no guarantees). So here is what the review said, don't pay money to hire a detective, join the Yahoo group NYAdoptees. And that is what led me to Priscilla, the search angel.
I must have spent hours talking to Priscilla. She was so genuinely interested in my story. I also never spoke to a “real birth mother” before, so I instantly felt close to her. Just hearing a birth mom's perspective for the first time answered so many questions for me, and provided me with such a sense of peace. Priscilla and I instantly bonded, and, would you believe, she found my mother in about a half hour! Finally hearing my mother’s voice again, I recognized her compassion, and it was really an amazing moment for me. We spoke for over an hour, and it was truly magical! We agreed to begin our reunited relationship. And somehow, something healed inside me. I was complete! ~~ Michele